Creating Healthy Boundaries Workshop


Do you leave a client meeting or a party, feeling drained? After you spend time with someone who is being negative do you feel angry, sad, or tired? If you watch the news do you have trouble letting go of what you saw? If so, you may want to strengthen your muscle of healthy boundaries. Join us for a 1 hour workshop on how to create healthy boundaries and how to release negativity and pain that is not yours.

Stay tuned for new information to come!


Individual Coaching 

Experience “one on one” health coaching in a safe, inspiring, and fun environment- in person or via phone or Skype. 

  • Each session we will have a discussion of your progress and you will receive recommendations and action steps. 
  • Quick, easy and healthy whole food recipes, information on whole foods and the nutritional significance, personal book recommendations, restaurant and natural food store resources and more!
  • Integrating strategies for emotional eating and changing the thought processes that keep us in old patterns.
  • Stress reduction tips and practices including meditation techniques and spiritual concepts that support health and your relationship to your body.
  • Option for a health food store tour and/or a cooking class as one of our sessions.
  • Option for Energy Healings and Energetic Clearings

Space Clearings and Energy Healings

Space Clearing offers quick and positive results to clear stagnant and old energy blocks in your home or office. Energy clearings are personal clearing for your emotional, physical and subtle body.

  • Each session is uniquely crafted to support your mental, spiritual and emotional health.
  • Sessions include sound healing, crystal medicine, chakra clearing and ceremonial principals from Vedic, Feng Shui and earth based traditions.
  • Energy Clearing is also offered for your body and auric field as a separate session or integrated into a Space Clearing.